Friday, 3 April 2020

WE ARE VERY BUSY - But Habitual Prompt Invoice Paying Established Clients ARE Receiving Priority!

During this #Covid-19 pandemic outbreak - wishes to confirm that we are 'here to help' - In particular, with aiding this firm's established clients during these difficult economic times = Never be afraid to 'type us an email' if we can potentially legally advise and assist you (further) etc. in any way.

Please be aware, and we wanted to indicate, that we are currently extremely busy (i.e. we could easily be up at Three A.M. (0300 Hrs.) London time - as the Eastern economies rise > while working seven (7) days a week > and closing down as Silicon Valley goes to bed etc.) - such that we are having to prioritise existing clients (in terms of what professional time we can devote to providing legal advice and assistance).

Our habitual prompt invoice paying established clients should be assured that they ARE receiving priority.

However, following this firm’s ethos of ‘we can either help you – or find someone more appropriate (e.g. with more ‘capacity’) to assist’ – Please feel free to contact us, and we will seek to refer you to those more able to help (either because they have more capacity and / or because it matches their skills - e.g. experience and expertise - more closely).

My colleague, Ms. Sophie Adam is currently 'picking up' all general enquires - so please seek to contact her in the first instance - via

While we do NOT wish to dissuade you making early / initial contact with us  - We are likely to be greatly assisted if IN EARLY COURSE you would please collate any (and all) appropriate/relevant communications etc. (e.g. emails and associated documents etc.) relating to the aspects / issues / matter you wish to 'discuss' with us (in early course).

In addition - If you were also able to prepare a comprehensive (if reasonably concise) written ‘precis’ relating to the background and current position re: the circumstances you wish to discuss with us – We envisage that would also be very helpful for us and thus hugely appreciated.

'You know where to find us' - as / when / if - we might be able to help (further).

With Regards And Best Wishes From My 'Private Office' In West London = Stay Safe & Solvent

+44 (0) 7788 537 187 - U.K. Cellular (& e-Telephone)


Establishing Our Client’s Identity – ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) Legislation

In the first instance - please provide us with any publicly accessible profiles for you (e.g. links to web-pages such as LinkedIn and/or other business profile relating to you and/or your business/venture). 

‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) legislation applies to Solicitors (as it does to numerous other professional advisers and providers of services operating in the United Kingdom), obliging us to seek to establish factual information re: our clients.

Consequently, we are obliged by law to verify your identity and certain other information (such as source of funds), and to obtain evidential documents to confirm that verification.

If we are not able to undertake this verification to our satisfaction under the relevant legislation, we will be unable to act for you.

The law requires lawyers (as well as banks, other financial institutions and certain other professional advisers), to obtain satisfactory evidence of the identity of our prospective clients (and anyone beneficially interested) in matters upon which we are instructed - together with information on related aspects / issues).

We are proposing to obtain the vast majority of such ‘know your customer’ information from publicly accessible information – and - we may need to discuss certain issues further with you (if we consider we require you to produce further original and/or copy documentation based upon our findings).

However, so as to commence early compliance with our legal obligations, please provide us as soon as possible with either:- 

(i) physical photocopies; or 

(ii) smartphone photographed or scanned > emailed electronic data file versions,

of the following documents – relating to (at least one (≥1) of) the individual(s) with whom we will be principally dealing in relation to your matter(s), and/or from whom we will be receiving our instructions:- 

1. A valid / current governmental photo I.D. (such as the relevant page from a passport or a photographic driving licence), clearly showing the relevant individual(s)’ full name and identification photograph; and

2. A recently dated item of official postal communication which was addressed to the relevant individual(s) at their current usual residential address, such as a recent utility bill or a recent communication from a governmental authority (e.g. from a governmental or local authority or taxation authority).

On the first opportunity we might get to physically meet such relevant individual(s), we will need to compare these copies against the original versions – so please ensure that the relevant individual(s) bring these with them to our first meeting in person and produce them to us.

If this is not possible in the near future, we may have to ask you to have copies of the originals certified as a true and complete copy by a local (to the individual(s)) professionally qualified lawyer or accountant.

If you cannot provide any such evidence of identity please tell us and we will advise you what alternative evidence may be acceptable.

Please note that we legally cannot accept and/or progress any instructions from you until the relevant ‘know your customer’ procedures have been carried out. 


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