Saturday, 25 April 2020

'Briefcase Loss' > Simply Admit Your 'Muppetry'

I'm personally not sure what my full thoughts are with regard to this recent high profile case before my regulator (the Solicitors Regulation Authority / SRA) disciplinary body.

My profession has a 'zero tolerance' threshold for any actions involving dishonesty (e.g. forge a travel pass / ticket = Never work again).

Mainly, my thoughts turn upon the memory of the experience of my generation of 'Articled Clerks' (now called 'Trainee Solicitors'), and (in particular) my (then) good (if sadly, now -rather distant friend) who is a very senior partner within one of the largest provincial firms in England.

After, a hard week 'W' and the rest of us were enjoying Friday night drinks with the voice artists and technical crew who made 'Spitting Image' in the TV studios 'around the corner' (Yep - This memory is from that long ago).

Unfortunately, 'W' forget to take away from the pub - his parental recently purchased briefcase (containing a number of client files he wanted to look at over the weekend.

This was an era pre-the Good Friday Agreement, and the IRA still had active service units on the British mainland.

The pub upon discovering the 'abandoned briefcase' called the bomb squad (after closing time), and we all 'laughed like drains' as 'W' walked into work on Monday morning with a huge clear plastic bag full of charred bits of paper and assorted related debris.

We weren't laughing for long > when we were all charged with sticking the bits of paper back together with 'sticky-back plastic' > This was an era before email and digital records (and it took two dozen of us the best part of a week)!

Memories . . .


Monday, 20 April 2020


Dear Sir(s),

Thompson Reuters appear to assign an ‘Account Manager’ to their customers – Who then appear to have responsibility for matters, right up to the point that they destroy the relationship with customers (SO THEY CANCEL THEIR SUBSCRIPTIONS) – Whereupon those account manager(s) seek to hide their sub-optimal performance from their line-managers (seemingly by passing matters off to accounts).

The Practical Law for Companies (PLC) licence referred to was cancelled in good time before it renewed (and this was confirmed in writing – as acknowledged by the relevant line manager(s)).

It has never been used across the periods referred to – as Thompson Reuters should be able to easily confirm.

I suggest that you find out who is supposed to be the account manager for Equitable Law, and then ascertain who their line manager is.

I then suggest that the relevant account manager sits down with their file of all dealings with me and explains the position with their line manager.

I am sick and tired of trying to get Thomson Reuters (and their Solicitor(s)) to deal with this matter.

Cc Dear Ipsos,

Thomson Reuters ARE AWFUL – I AM NO LONGER A CUSTOMER OF THEIRS – but this firm’s account manager(s) at Thomson Reuters are seeking to hide how badly they managed my firm’s account from their superiors.

Here’s hoping all of you and yours are keeping safe and solvent.   

With Kind Regards And My Very Best Wishes

Dan Johnson | Scheduling | Conferencing (+) | Solicitors For Business

+44 (0) 7788 537 187 > U.K. Cellular (& e-Tel.)

+44 (0) 20 8780 3319 > London > e-Voicemail

N.B. I am currently in recovery from Covid-19 and thus trust that this response is sufficient to allow Thomson Reuters to ‘sort itself out’ > in the circumstances of my suffering from respiratory restriction, hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the blood) and its significant effects upon me re: concentration / being able to work:-

If you need any further information and / or if I can assist you in any further way, then you should please feel free to directly contact the writer of this email, via the direct contact details set out in this  email – although I would appreciate Thomson Reuters showing some discretion until the Corona Virus Pandemic outbreak has lessened / ceased.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Equitable Law and Corona Virus

While my close friends have been aware for some time - I thought that 'NOW' was the time to announce that I now strongly believe that I have had exposure to COVID-19 - Not that my own Govt. can test me for it and confirm the position!

I am rarely ill / NOT a hypochondriac (by any means) but I want you all to be aware that 'this' is not 'a walk in the park'.

I developed a cough about ten - twelve days ago - that was swiftly followed/accompanied by a fever.

Paracetamol was taken, and the fever has gone (and cough considerably subsided - not now involuntary) - but there remains a significant shortage of lung capacity, tight chest (and real discomfort in any respiratory action I take).

This is a description of symptoms from a non-smoker in his early fifties, with no-historic/ongoing health issues, and an (admittedly, latterly neglected) physique of a county-level swimmer in my youth (I.e. large lung capacity).

Please don't be flippant about this - STAY HOME, take care (of yourself and others) and realise that you are likely about to face something (difficulties breathing) that you've not experienced before.

Equitable Law always was a 'remote-first' law firm, and I remain working on significant matters for clients without issues.

Stay safe and see you on the other side . . .

“If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.” ― Eldridge Cleaver

“If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.”

― Eldridge Cleaver

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Easter Best Wishes

Wishing All The Very Best To You & Yours This Easter.

Stay Safe & Solvent.

Regards, @DanRJohnson

Electoral Reform

As a Solicitor involved in the finalisation of the 2010 Coalition Agreement - I consider it a huge shame that the UK did not achieve some form of electoral reform as part of the process.

I consider that replacement of 'first past the post' with an 'alternative vote' system for constituency election of MPs > Commons, using the same votes for PR > Re: new members being appointed to the Lords would have been a welcome addition to the UK political landscape = Alas, NOT achieved (even in part)!
My best wishes to you and yours for Easter.
Regards, @DanRJohnson

Monday, 6 April 2020

Putney / Wimbledon Law

We should have a beer in Wimbledon Village sometime = I have clients who offer to ‘send their car for me’ - but I chose instead to say ‘No, it’s alright – My driver will bring me’.

It was all going so well – Until the bus driver chose to announce the next stop - while they were on the phone to me wondering whether I could arrive earlier!

They have never, ever let me forget!

I also have a very expensive electric bike – which should ‘get this fat lad up the hill from West Putney’ without me breaking into too much of a sweat!     

The Concorde Protocol

I suggest that when we use this particular WhatsApp Group - That we follow a business language approach known as the 'Concorde Protocol' - that I was introduced to (early in my career) when I worked for British aerospace companies which co-operated with French aerospace companies to build that aeroplane.

I am sure that with various of our connections with Airbus etc. and me having already discussed the approach with Sophie - all of us will be familiar with it (?) - but -  It works so that each person only communicates in the language of the other person = keeping the language simple and cutting down upon the exhaustion of one party constantly having to translate.

I will be in endeavouring to write in French, Sophie will be endeavouring to write in English, and Moni can choose whatever she wants!

Sunday, 5 April 2020

The Story Of The Biggest Theft In History = President Putin of Russia

The story of the biggest theft in history: the resources of the biggest country in the world, Russia, by its own government. =

I have had the pleasure over recent years to be introduced to his widow. Lovely lady.


Friday, 3 April 2020

WE ARE VERY BUSY - But Habitual Prompt Invoice Paying Established Clients ARE Receiving Priority!

During this #Covid-19 pandemic outbreak - wishes to confirm that we are 'here to help' - In particular, with aiding this firm's established clients during these difficult economic times = Never be afraid to 'type us an email' if we can potentially legally advise and assist you (further) etc. in any way.

Please be aware, and we wanted to indicate, that we are currently extremely busy (i.e. we could easily be up at Three A.M. (0300 Hrs.) London time - as the Eastern economies rise > while working seven (7) days a week > and closing down as Silicon Valley goes to bed etc.) - such that we are having to prioritise existing clients (in terms of what professional time we can devote to providing legal advice and assistance).

Our habitual prompt invoice paying established clients should be assured that they ARE receiving priority.

However, following this firm’s ethos of ‘we can either help you – or find someone more appropriate (e.g. with more ‘capacity’) to assist’ – Please feel free to contact us, and we will seek to refer you to those more able to help (either because they have more capacity and / or because it matches their skills - e.g. experience and expertise - more closely).

My colleague, Ms. Sophie Adam is currently 'picking up' all general enquires - so please seek to contact her in the first instance - via

While we do NOT wish to dissuade you making early / initial contact with us  - We are likely to be greatly assisted if IN EARLY COURSE you would please collate any (and all) appropriate/relevant communications etc. (e.g. emails and associated documents etc.) relating to the aspects / issues / matter you wish to 'discuss' with us (in early course).

In addition - If you were also able to prepare a comprehensive (if reasonably concise) written ‘precis’ relating to the background and current position re: the circumstances you wish to discuss with us – We envisage that would also be very helpful for us and thus hugely appreciated.

'You know where to find us' - as / when / if - we might be able to help (further).

With Regards And Best Wishes From My 'Private Office' In West London = Stay Safe & Solvent

+44 (0) 7788 537 187 - U.K. Cellular (& e-Telephone)


Establishing Our Client’s Identity – ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) Legislation

In the first instance - please provide us with any publicly accessible profiles for you (e.g. links to web-pages such as LinkedIn and/or other business profile relating to you and/or your business/venture). 

‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) legislation applies to Solicitors (as it does to numerous other professional advisers and providers of services operating in the United Kingdom), obliging us to seek to establish factual information re: our clients.

Consequently, we are obliged by law to verify your identity and certain other information (such as source of funds), and to obtain evidential documents to confirm that verification.

If we are not able to undertake this verification to our satisfaction under the relevant legislation, we will be unable to act for you.

The law requires lawyers (as well as banks, other financial institutions and certain other professional advisers), to obtain satisfactory evidence of the identity of our prospective clients (and anyone beneficially interested) in matters upon which we are instructed - together with information on related aspects / issues).

We are proposing to obtain the vast majority of such ‘know your customer’ information from publicly accessible information – and - we may need to discuss certain issues further with you (if we consider we require you to produce further original and/or copy documentation based upon our findings).

However, so as to commence early compliance with our legal obligations, please provide us as soon as possible with either:- 

(i) physical photocopies; or 

(ii) smartphone photographed or scanned > emailed electronic data file versions,

of the following documents – relating to (at least one (≥1) of) the individual(s) with whom we will be principally dealing in relation to your matter(s), and/or from whom we will be receiving our instructions:- 

1. A valid / current governmental photo I.D. (such as the relevant page from a passport or a photographic driving licence), clearly showing the relevant individual(s)’ full name and identification photograph; and

2. A recently dated item of official postal communication which was addressed to the relevant individual(s) at their current usual residential address, such as a recent utility bill or a recent communication from a governmental authority (e.g. from a governmental or local authority or taxation authority).

On the first opportunity we might get to physically meet such relevant individual(s), we will need to compare these copies against the original versions – so please ensure that the relevant individual(s) bring these with them to our first meeting in person and produce them to us.

If this is not possible in the near future, we may have to ask you to have copies of the originals certified as a true and complete copy by a local (to the individual(s)) professionally qualified lawyer or accountant.

If you cannot provide any such evidence of identity please tell us and we will advise you what alternative evidence may be acceptable.

Please note that we legally cannot accept and/or progress any instructions from you until the relevant ‘know your customer’ procedures have been carried out. 


Global #Coronavirus Toolkit > COVID-19: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (Furloughing)

We have been experiencing a considerable number of enquiries about H.M. Govt.'s:-
COVID-19: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (Furloughing)

We should warn you that we are not fully au fait with ‘Furloughing’ (as it constitutes very new primary, and rapidly evolving secondary legislation etc.) - but we do have access to regularly updated, materials / resources upon the subject, which are freely available at:-

We also have a preferred referral firm for specialist Employment Law advice (but we suggest we ‘hold them in reserve’ – as specialist employment lawyers are very busy at this time – as you might expect).

With Best Regards / Stay Safe And Solvent

Founding Principal & Business Law Solicitor (British Lawyer)

+44 (0) 7788 537 187 : U.K. Cellular (& e-Telephone)

www.EquitableLaw.London - Solicitors For Business

*P.S. We hope that the documents available at the web-link provided etc. constitute potentially helpful ‘materials’ for you - but we are conscious that they are reasonably voluminous and detailed (Most likely = Only for an initial skim read  - and/or further / fuller review in due course - as / if / when desired by you (and pressures upon your time allows?)

While the source of the annexure is for ‘lawyers’ / from a legal publisher – We hope that the annexure should (broadly) be easily readable, practical help (for those involved in business), (relatively) concise (while comprehensive) and legally accurate on their subject matter (upon the date they are drawn down / bear upon their physical front page).

If any web-links links within the resource etc. might refer to other materials which you can’t directly access and might find potentially useful to read / review – please let my colleague, Ms know, and she (or I) would be happy to provide the same to you.

#COVID-19: #Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (#Furlough) - Practice Note

It's a cardinal sin - Sending legal advice / information to clients, that I've not (yet) read (in sufficient detail).

However, I've done it before, and (sadly) I'll do it again!

Extraordinary times = Move fast and break things . . .

I take random calls from people I've never had contact with before - about 'paper(s)' with my visage upon the front (all the time).

I'm hoping that 'Sophie' will read the 'Paper' (this is in 'extract' form), and allow me to be the 'fat, ruddy nosed, old buffer of a Solicitor' who doesn't know the section numbers under the current legislation - and is hence still talking about the Companies / Insolvency Act before last.

Always stick your 'frontice piece' on your paperwork' - Otherwise some 'little sh1t' will claim it as 'all their own work' and dispute your subsequent invoicing proposal (as 'you've contributed nothing and I produced the paper for the board'!)

Please let me know if you would like a copy of the full 'Practice Note' (or indeed any other materials referred to in it).

Stay safe and solvent.


Full Note Available at:-

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Dealing With 'Contentious' Matters Without A Solicitors Help . . .

All I would say – Is please don’t seek to try and deal with matters yourself.

I have recent experience of a prospective client - who decided not to accept my firm’s fee quote – but instead deal with matters themselves = It ended up costing them nearly ten (~10) times as much - because they 'inadvertently' accepted liability for the other side’s Solicitors costs etc.!

You know where to find me . . .

With Best Regards / Stay Safe And Solvent

Founding Principal & Business Law Solicitor (British Lawyer)

+44 (0) 7788 537 187 : U.K. Cellular (& e-Telephone)

www.EquitableLaw.London - Solicitors For Business

Equitable Law - Changed Bank Account Details

Dear 'Clients'

Many of you are querying the fact that the banking details for my firm appear to have changed (actually upon 1st January of 2020).

While the 'old' bank account (details which you may well have) is still in existence (and can receive funds / has been receiving your last / earlier payments) - I HAVE updated my firm's bank account details (and for now and the future, please would you use the [One of the Largest Banks In the World], [Central London Branch] details shown in the hard copy invoices emailed to you as locked pdfs / web-invoice inks set out in my emails).

For your possible 'interest' (and as many of you know) - I have very good 'contacts' with the Centers For Disease Studies (CDC) in Atlanta, GA. = I knew this pandemic was coming in November 2019, and changing my banking details to a bank with a more robust balance sheet - was part of my firm's financial stability preparations > in terms of fulfilling my obligations to my regulator (Solicitors Regulation Authority)!

I'm sure many of you could have made a fortune - if I was in a position to tell you such (what was until relatively recently inside information).

With Best Regards / Stay Safe and Solvent

Founding Principal & Business Law Solicitor (British Lawyer)

+44 (0) 7788 537 187 : U.K. Cellular (& e-Telephone)

www.EquitableLaw.London - Solicitors For Business