Sunday, 29 March 2020

Preparing For A Boris Johnson Shambles (Of A Response To A Pandemic) . . .

As Britain geared up for a General Election in late 2019, I started to undertake a serious business interruption/continuity review - As I am obligated to do by my business' regulator, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

Why (you may ask) would you undertake such a review?

The answer (as sadly has become all too clear) is that there was a considerable danger of a lunatic 'EU Quitter' / Vladimir Putin & American Neo-Liberal backed #VoteLeave wing of the Conservative Party being elected with a sole remit of taking the UK into serious economic hardship upon Brexit - while simultaneously completely neglecting the obvious risks posed by a gathering global pandemic in the Far East.

Many people seem blissfully unaware that the UK has since Summer 2019 effectively been run by an 'unelected bureaucrat' in Dominic Cummings (whom it is widely believed - since he had a disastrous foray in the collapsing C.I.S. in the mid-1990s - to be an agent of the Russian state, and effectively Vladimir Putin's 'inside man' charged with causing as much destruction to the United Kingdom as possible).

Certainly, when I met him for the first time in Moscow (in 19980 his interests were in helping Russia default upon its sovereign debts to the West, and NOT to help the World economic system - which was teetering on the edge after the default of Long Term Capital in 1997.

Putin is greatly aided in his foreign policy aims by having managed to maneuver into apparent power in various sovereign states around the World - what Soviet-era security services describe as 'useful idiots' (and a better description of #realDonaldTrump and #BorisJohnson I have yet to read).

There is a reason why the UK Security Services > Parliamentary Report into Russian influence in the UK has still not been published; and my limited dealings with #BorisJohnson - since my involvement with him prior to 2012 > Re: the organisation of the London Olympics, has led me to believe him to be a man 'who couldn't run a bath without assistance'.

As many of you have 'complained' about my trying to warn you about what the motivation for Brexit was, and rather too many of you voted for the Tories in December 2019 - The time had come in late 2019 for me to focus upon my business and well-being.

I started by upgrading my broadband to the fastest possible (120 Mbs) provided over copper by the UK backbone supplier - BT (i.e. giving up the fragile / slightly cheaper supplier which used BT Openreach's older equipment).  The installation date was in the third week of November (See annexed copy email).

In my 'office' (on the King's Road) I upgraded that broadband to another supplier ('Virgin' branded / US capital-backed fibre - which runs at in excess of 200 Mbs)

Once the election had occurred and the Tories had won - I accelerated the process, buying myself a brand new / top of the range iPhone 11s on 18th December (See annexed).  I buy a new phone (these days) about once every five to six (~5-6) years; and I was really waiting for 5G functionality - but I needed to ensure that I had the d*gs b*ll*cks for what was coming = Nil per cent. (0%) credit contact on a GBP £1,500 phone.

I wanted all my IT kit to be up-to-date and in my possession (as I considered the likelihood of civil insurrection and 'flakey' national I.T. to be quite high - and you ain't seen nothing yet).  

Basically, my kit is tip-top (my main work PC being a rebuilt server with 2GB spinning hard drive, supported by a 1GB solid-state hard drive - with a CPU running a close to 4Ghz.  

I have for a significant time had a complete back-up IT system based in Staffordshire (PCs, Laptops, Tablets, Smartphones) should I yet need to flee London.  

The only additional expense was passing on my Apple Airpods to my Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Mr Aleks Johnson - With new Airpods Pros arriving at the end of January 2020. 

I habitually ski in Cortina, Italy between Christmas and early-January each year, courtesy of a good friend and his family, but none of decided it was a good idea in 2019/20 > Northern Italy was already a 'plague zone' at the turn of the year.      

January involved the introduction to my business of an intern - Ms. Sophie Adam, with a plan for her to work remotely from various places across mainland Europe where I might need her to be (and I was unlikely to be able to travel to).  

Sophie is currently in Strasbourg - ready to liaise with the EU in Brussels, or the French Govt. in Paris / the German Govt. in Berlin.  My view was and remains that the EU and the French and German Govt.s are likely to have a much better understanding of this situation than the Muppets in my own country (let alone the U.S).  

It may yet be that I will re-locate to this firm's 'European Private Office' on the Rue Nicolo in the 16th Arrondissement in Paris,  or the German Federal Govt.s bunker in Berlin / Possibly a beach-front property that I am blessed to have access to Montpellier (amongst other locations) - but I'm sure as heck NOT going to the U.S.A. or Brazil (or indeed - a number of other working locations I can generally utilise). 

Do please feel free to introduce you to Ms. Adam:- 

Ms Adam helped me with a significant upgrade to my banking facilities - Involving the re-introduction of one of the world's largest banks (to work in tandem with the challenger banks I had been 'experimenting' with), as robustness of financial systems seemed advisable. 

I also significantly upgraded my utilisation methods for PayPal (adopting physical bank cards), together with a range of other banking actions (full invoicing and payment functionalities in 160 currencies).  Everything is duplicated across at least two (2) financial service suppliers.

Early February involved a significant review of my comms. methods - including a full adoption of 'Zoom' - Liked by clients (even if my preference if for 'WhatsApp', 'Whereby' (and '') - All of which are system specifically built / invested in by the U.S. and Norwegian Govt.s to cope during complete social breakdown and/or be used in economies with 'straining' IT / comms. systems).

Sadly we didn't get the alternative website up and running - although I have two (2) additional domain names (including EquitableLaw.London and EquitableLaw.UK) which provide separate server stacks - geographically well away (Manchester) from the servers running (=Thames Valley). 

Most of the rest of my IT runs on the big four of Silicon Valley (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) with duplication across every service. 

Don't tell me the Corona Virus outbreak was unexpected, and that Boris Johnson is doing a good job.

The impending feck up of the U.K. economy by this H.M. Govt. was an obvious risk - although I'll grant you - even I didn't believe they could do this much damage in so short a period of time.

I wish you the very best - Heck knows, distress is good for Business Law Solicitors.

With Best Regards

Founding Principal & Business Law Solicitor (British Lawyer)

+44 (0) 7788 537 187 : U.K. Cellular (& e-Telephone)

www.EquitableLaw.London - Solicitors For Business

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