Monday, 14 December 2015

Loan Arrangements - Safe & Settled -v- (Potentially) Acrimonious & Vague!

Having spent some considerable time over recent weeks seeking to assist businessmen with the 'issues' which have arisen - when they (thought they had) 'agreed' a large loan arrangement on the back of an old menu in a restaurant - I wanted to put on record that settling and documenting proposed loan arrangements (ideally - before they are entered into) is always a worthwhile step - if only to save a long term friendship from considerable strain!   

The 'trick' to reasonably rapidly settling the terms of a loan arrangement and / or documenting the same (in a manner which is 'usable' in the future) - is to use a sensible template loan docment which is a compromise between conciseness and completeness.

I frequently settle & document loan arrangements in a wide range of amounts & formalities - and can relatively rapidly adapt my (see my front-piece extract - below) template document to client's arrangements.

Please feel free to contact me directly to discuss any aspects / issues where a conversation might assist you.


(+44 ) 7788 537 187 (U.K. Cell. Tel.)

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) - Recent Changes

'No' To Acquisitions -v- 'Yes' To Growth Capital

The relevant EIS related legislation (which supports H.M. Government's efforts to encourage SME investment) has recently changed slightly (late in November 2015 - as the U.K.’s second budget this year finally (!) obtained Royal Assent).

While ‘the devil is always in the detail’ (you should always refer directly to the relevant legislation - which is not easy to follow, not least because it changes all the time in a convoluted fashion – by virtue of attempts to comply with EU rules etc.), those involved in small business finance should be aware of the following.

The relevant legislation contains a test relating to the ‘use of money’ raised - which provides that the money raised by the share issue must be employed for the purposes of a qualifying business activity (broadly, a qualifying trade, preparing to carry on a qualifying trade if the trade is commenced within two years, or research and development from which it is intended that a qualifying trade will be carried on) (section 174, ITA 2007).

For shares issued on or after 18 November 2015, employing money on the acquisition of an interest in a company, a trade, or goodwill and intangible assets employed for the purposes of a trade, will no longer satisfy the use of money raised requirement (paragraph 11, Schedule 5, Finance (No.2) Act 2015).

Accordingly, it is now highly unlikely that a transaction can be structured so that EIS reliefs can attach to monies which are used in a merger or acquisition (M & A) transaction - historically a useful 'sweetener' to such deals which well briefed legal advisors had been able to offer their clients.

As regards any subscription proceeds which can be characterised as being used for ‘growth' or 'development' capital (such funding being -  of course - what the legislation is intended to encourage), it should still be possible to satisfy HMRC that the relevant shares are (to be) issued in order to raise money for the purpose of a qualifying business activity.

For shares issued on or after 18 November 2015, the legislation expressly includes the additional requirement that the shares are issued to promote the business growth and development of the issuing company (paragraph 10, Schedule 5, Finance (No.2) Act 2015).  

This requirement is now made explicit to reflect state aid requirements.  The European Commission's state aid guidelines support the provision of tax incentives for the expansion stage of smaller businesses.  Hence the new explicit requirement that shares are issued to promote the issuing company's business growth and development.

Always remember that there a host of other tests (e.g. parent / subsidiaries structures – need particular care) which need to be satisfied for EIS reliefs to be available to investors – such that it is always wise to have the settled investment structure ‘blessed’ by someone with a knowledge of the legislation, and ideally – obtain advance assurance from HMRC’s relevant small business team(s) that EIS reliefs would appear prima facie seemingly to be available.   

Please feel free to directly contact me to discuss any of aspects of, or issues relating to EIS (if you wish to do so).

It goes without saying – but Equitable Law would of course be delighted to discuss assisting with the taxation aspects of funding transactions involving EIS.


+44 (0) 7788 537 187 (U.K. Cell. Tel.)

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Offshore Tax Structures For Everyone ! (?)

Today's 'The Times' (Thursday, 12th November) business section contains an article about a small Welsh town whose businessmen are proposing to copy various e-commerce multinational business and adopt offshore tax planning structures - so to minimise the tax they pay.

I suspect that the U.K.'s taxation authority (HMRC) may be 'surprised' as to how many times I've seen relatively small businesses proposing to structure themselves in precisely such a manner!

For example, I am aware of numerous G.P.s - whom (after having been handed responsibility for their entirely publicly funded budgets) appear to show no embarrassment in terms of seeking to remunerate themselves with minimal responsibility to pay any tax! 

The U.K. Government has really got to 'get a grip' on this issue - as it is simply not fair.

Until then, please feel free to discuss your tax saving issues with me . . .



Thursday, 29 October 2015

SSL Certificate Extended Validation Legal Opinion Letters for English Companies

Equitable Law (Mr. Dan Johnson) wishes to record that we have considerable experience of acting for clients with web-based businesses (trading through English companies) who are seeking to enroll for SSL ' Extended Validation Certificates'.

SSL EV Certificates are (very broadly) the digital equivalents of a company stamp or seal - and are issued on behalf of a number of certification authorities (e.g. From 'StartCom', 'GeoTrust' Etc.)

Often, our clients have spent considerable wasted time dealing with a wide range of unqualified, unauthorised and / or unregulated 'legal advisers' - Whom the certification authorities (for good measure) consider unacceptable for the required purposes.

Please don't waste your time - Make contact direct!

Our turn-around times and fee proposals are extremely attractive.


+1 (646) 470 1880 (Worldwide Roaming e-Tel.)   

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

BEWARE - Rewarding Employees With Dividend Bearing Shares (Particularly From 2016)

As a Solicitor with expertise in the fields of company (and other 'business law' areas), I have assisted with the introduction of a number of 'employee / dividend bearing share schemes' in the past.

However, I always have to advise that such schemes are generally open to challenge by HMRC, with the risk (of unpaid tax, interest & penalties) potentially falling upon the company / employer - for arguably not having operated employment related securities legislation and PAYE correctly.

It is relatively rare for such proposals to originate (or be actively supported) by a client's general / ongoing (accountancy &) taxation advisers - As many are nervous of being considered by HMRC as assisting with or promoting the implementation & operating of such schemes (which then potentially risks their other clients affairs being more closely examined by HMRC!)

Accordingly, most persons who request such services have often been advised by 'an acquaintance in business' (a.k.a. 'their mate in the bar at the golf club') and they may choose to take the risks involved in such schemes - upon the (arguably - not unreasonable) view that HMRC may not have the manpower (or other resources) to identify and challenge such arrangements.    

However, anyone currently considering such schemes (i.e. in late 2015) needs to be aware that in the July 2015 H.M. Government Budget it was announced that the taxation of dividends will be reformed, with legislation to be introduced in 2016.

The government noted that the reform would "reduce the incentive to ... remunerate through dividends rather than wages to reduce tax liabilities".

The impact on the use of shares to reward employees in general will not be clear until detailed legislation is published (next year), but it is believed probable that it will make such share based / dividend  schemes generally incur more tax in aggregate (i.e. Corporation Tax + Income Tax) than simply paying elements of remuneration under PAYE (for which the company / employer enjoys a deductible expense).

Beware of anyone who currently seeks to advise you to implement such a scheme without providing the above warning - particularly now - as they are likely to be wasting your money!

Dan Johnson (of Equitable Law) has now prepared a relatively concise and clear note upon the relevant issues, so that any interested parties are aware of the current potential problems (and likely additional problems - in the future) of seeking to implement such a scheme.  Please let me know if you would like a copy of the same.

However - Notwithstanding the above - If you wished to proceed with such a scheme - They can be introduced relatively cost effectively and with minimal effort (albeit their days appear numbered!).

We would be happy to discuss any issues arising from the above - Particularly with anyone currently operating such a scheme or those who are interested in potentially legal and practically workable arrangements to reduce the charges to tax.    

October 2015

07788 537 187 (U.K. Cell. Tel.)

Monday, 19 October 2015

Twenty Five (25) Years Earning a Living Within Solicitors Practices . . .

Receipt of the annexed 'Practising Certificate' for next year - Reminds me that I have just concluded - Slightly over twenty five (>25) years earning a living within Solicitors' practices.

Roll on twenty five (25) years as a qualified Solicitor . . .

I tell you - There's not a working day goes past that I don't feel exactly the same as I did commencing work in September 1990 (Yep - that's last century!)

Onwards & upwards . . .


Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Intuit is closing its 'Slideshare' competitor, 'Docstoc' on 1st December 2015

I saw this story recently which has prompted this blog : 

Elements of this story are really quite strange - Not least the fact that NASDAQ traded 'Intuit' appears to have valued the relevant venture (upon acquisition) at 'upwards of USD $50 million' in December 2013, before closing the venture down within two (<2) years!

Fundamentally, my view is that if a businessman wants access to (say) a template legal document (for use in their business), they can most likely do an awful lot better than spend considerable time trying to find an appropriate 'base' document by 'trawling the internet'.

A considerable part of the skill of a qualified lawyer is in selecting a carefully drafted precedent, which is legally up-to-date (in the relevant jurisdiction in which it will be used) and which is otherwise an entirely appropriate document (often with drafting / guidance notes) for use in the relevant envisaged circumstances.

Such a document can be provided by a lawyer for a clients' own use - quickly, easily and for a very modest fee.

Don't believe me - Please feel free to try me!

Should further legal input by way of advice and / or assistance be (in practice) required, I (personally) would much rather take that action in relation to a precedent / template I had provided - rather than the instruction which all lawyers dread, namely :

e.g. 'I've found a document upon the internet and drafted from it to fit my purposes, but I'm not sure about one or two elements, so please will you review what I've done and approve it for me'.  

More often than not, such an approach leads to an unavoidable recognition that it is simply not possible to turn the resultant 'sow's ear into a silk purse' (at least not without uneconomic expense).

I am reminded of the anecdote of the traveler in a strange land, who hopelessly lost - consultants the locals for assistance as to how to reach the traveler's destination.
'I wouldn't start from here' came the reply!

For some reason - That always makes me laugh!

Do please let me know if I can help - prior to taking a D.I.Y. approach.

The result will be much better and not as expensive as you may think.
 +44 (0) 7788 537 187 (U.K. Cell.)

Thursday, 1 October 2015

BIS Publishes Consumer Rights Act 2015 - Summary and Checklist

H.M. Government's Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) have published a plain English summary of the key elements of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA).

The main parts of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 came into force on 1st October 2015.

The Consumer Rights Act replaces a number of laws with regard to business-to-consumer transactions, including the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982.

It will be clearer and easier to understand, meaning that consumers can buy and businesses can sell to them with confidence.
BIS's summary is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to the new consumer rights, but rather a general overview, focusing on the most common issues.

The summary can be downloaded and edited in Word format so that traders can tailor the wording to their own business, in order to assist both staff and customers.

The guidance also covers the new alternative dispute resolution requirement under the Consumer ADR Regulations (SI 2015/542) that requires traders to provide certain information about ADR to consumers.

BIS has also published a checklist for the CRA to help businesses to be sure they are ready for the changes made upon 1st October.

Both the summary and checklist can be accessed by clicking on the link below.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Equitable Law - Diversity Data

In accordance with this business' professional obligations (pursuant to the requirements of the Solicitors Regulation Authority), we publish this business' diversity data below :-  

QuestionResponseSolicitor (partner/director)
1. Select the category which best describes your role in the firm1
2. How would you describe your role in the firm?Sole practitioner, partner, member or director of the firm1
Associate or Assistant0
Other employee or staff member0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
3. Do you have a share in the ownership of your organisation (eg equity partner, shareholder)?Yes1
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
4. Do you have responsibility for supervising or managing the work of lawyers or other employees?Yes1
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
5. From the list of age bands below, please indicate the category that includes your current age in years:16 - 240
25 - 340
35 - 440
45 - 541
55 - 640
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
6. What is your gender?Female0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
7(a) Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the definition in the Equality Act?Yes0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
7(b) Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?Yes, limited a lot0
Yes, limited a little0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
8. What is your ethnic group?Bangladeshi0
Any other Asian background0
Caribbean 0
Any other Black background0
White and Asian0
White and Black African0
White and Black Caribbean0
White and Chinese0
Any other Mixed / multiple ethnic background0
British / English / Welsh / Northern Irish / Scottish1
Gypsy or Irish Traveller0
Any other White background0
Any other ethnic group0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
9. What is your religion or belief?No religion or belief / Atheist1
Any other religion0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
10. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual0
Gay man0
Gay woman/lesbian0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
11. Did you mainly attend a state or fee paying school between the ages 11 - 18?UK State School1
UK Independent/Fee-paying School0
Attended school outside the UK0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
12. If you went to University (to study a BA, BSc course or higher), were you part of the first generation of your family to do so?Yes0
Did not attend University0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
13. Are you a primary carer for a child or children under 18?Yes0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
14. Do you look after, or give any help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others?No0
Yes, 1 - 19 hours a week1
Yes, 20 - 49 hours a week0
Yes, 50 or more hours a week0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
Number of non-respondents: 0

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Equitable Law Advises Regarding The Establishment Of A New Islington Based Kitchen Business

Equitable Law is delighted to announce the opening in Islington, London of our client's new kitchen design, supply & fitting business - 'Mobalpa Islington'.

Mobalpa is one of Europe's leading kitchen manufacturers with over 100 years of craftsmanship having brought satisfaction to more than a million customers with fully customised kitchens.

Mobalpa Kitchens are renowned for the design, manufacture and distribution of kitchens, bathrooms and living solutions having been established since 1907.

With over 580 outlets worldwide and producing more than 55,000 kitchens per year, Mobalpa hhas recently decided to 'roll out' its business concept in the UK.

Mr Dan Johnson of Equitable Law commented : "It has been a pleasure to assist Mr. Edmund Thai and Miss Yee Yau with their plans for a Mobalpa franchise, and this business wishes them every success".

Mr Edmund Thai commented : "Our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Dan Johnson for his legal advice and assistance with regard to the commercial agreements relating to this franchise (and to his associated colleagues - regarding the business premises property arrangements).  We fully recognise that dealing with experienced and expert legal advisers avoids complications and complexity - allowing us to run a successful business with the minimum of effort and expense".  

Further details re: Mobalpa Islington are available at :-

Further details re: Equitable Law are available at :- 

Friday, 21 August 2015

Congratulations to Little Lion Entertainment - Regarding Crowdfunding Success

Equitable Law is delighted to report the success of the recent crowdfunding exercise undertaken by its client, Little Lion Entertainment.

Little Lion Entertainment is proposing to return 'The Crystal Maze', one of the UK's favourite television shows from the 1990s. as a live immersive experience in the heart of London.

Participants will get get to play the maze just as contestants did on the original show - placing particpants at the centre of the action, allowing particants to live the magic of the hit television programme for themselves.

Little Lion Entertainment's crowdfunding exercise raised slightly less than one million pounds - Meaning that the original campaign was over 185% funded.

More details are available at :-

We wish Little Lion Entertainment all the best with its venture, and look forward to seeing developments.

If you wished to discuss how crowdfunding may be potentially applicable your venture / business, please do not hesitate to contact -

Thursday, 7 May 2015

SCAM WARNING : 'Equitable Law Firm' & 'Equitable Chambers'

Warning: “Equitable Law Firm” and “Mark Ogu”

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has received information that the a member of the public (based outside of the U.K.) has been sent a scam  invoice, illegally requesting payment for reserved legal services.

The illegal invoice (as seen by the SRA), appears to relate to work conducted on an inheritance matter by “Attorney - Mark Ogu”. 

The illegal invoice gives a contact address of 105 AptB Walter Road, Swansea  SE1 2BG, a telephone number of +44 2030 868 737 and a fax number of +44 2080 432 337.     

The SRA does not regulate or authorise a firm by the name “Equitable Law Firm”, or an individual by the name “Mark Ogu”.

Any business or transactions through the firm, “Equitable Law Firm”, an individual called “Mark Ogu”, the address 105 AptB Walter Road, Swansea SE1 2BG, a telephone number of +44 2030 868 73 or a fax number of +44 2080 432 are not undertaken by a Solicitor's practice or an individual authorised or regulated by the SRA.

Equitable Law Limited (trading as ‘Equitable Law’ and ‘’) is a genuine firm which is authorised and regulated by the SRA. 

The legally practising firm's genuine address is The Private Office, 24 Bemish Road,  London  SW15 1DG, and their genuine telephone number is +44 (0) 20 8780 3319.

The legally practising firm have confirmed that they have no connection to the scam invoice referred to above.

The contact details on the false invoice are also used on a website in the name of “Equitable Chambers”.  

The SRA published a warning in relation to this website on 30 April 2015:-

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Equitable Law's Client 'Entrepreneur Handbook' Is Offering Summer Internships In Cyprus

"Greetings" from Equitable Law's client, 'Entrepreneur Handbook' - in sunny Limassol!

'Entrepreneur Handbook' have asked to circulate this communication to anyone who might be interested, or know someone who might be interested - in exploring a work / intern / volunteer program that 'Entrepreneur Handbook' are proposing running this year (2015) based in Cyprus.

The internships are apparently running for 2 - 6 + months over the summer (based upon a 4 day working week).

Everyone will be co-living / working with awesome entrepreneurs, freelancers and innovators; and be based 30 seconds from the beach.

Internships, volunteer and main roles have just opened in sales, marketing, media, development, design and publishing......

Click here for more information and to apply:

The Password is ' startupcyprus ' and don't forget to mention that you heard about the internships opportunities from Mr. Dan Johnson of

Note - We are told: watersports, hiking and camping are mandatory.

Camel riding is apparently optional!


Tuesday, 28 April 2015

English v French 'Banter' - For Your Potential Amusement

In recent 'discussions' with certain of my French national contacts, I observed that according to the recent edition of The Sunday Times ‘Rich List’, Mr. Francois-Henri Pinault had recently moved from Paris to London, and by virtue of his stated GBP £2.61 billion fortune - consequently become the 38th wealthiest person in the U.K.

Apparently his move was for reasons publicly stated as being because ‘all the new designers are coming from London’ (– and seemingly nothing whatever to do with avoiding President Hollande's socialist taxes = I pass no further comment - other than 'boy has he got a surprise coming - should Ed. Miliband and his Labour Party buddies win the imminent United Kingdom General Election' !?).

Mr. Pinault is apparently accompanied in his new life in England by his wife, Ms. Salma Hayek, who is (of course) much better known (to Anglophones) by virtue of her Hollywood acting career.

She is apparently currently making a film in Great Britain called :-

The response (from the 'greater Ille de France area') was a statement that (with that title) it sounded like it is going to be a farce / sex comedy (!).

Monday, 27 April 2015

Tax Year End 2014 / 15 - A Busy Period For Equitable Law As We Close Two More Investment Rounds

The end of the 2014 / 15 U.K. Tax Year (as it always does!) saw a busy period for Equitable Law, as (amongst other transactions) we closed two (2) development capital funding rounds on behalf of our clients.

Investment #1 – Entrepreneur Handbook ( )

Equitable Law was delighted to legally advise and assist its ongoing client, Entrepreneur Handbook (a web-based digital publisher) with the closing of its third (‘C’) round of development capital investment.  The six-figure sum (GBP £X00, 000) investment by a European private ‘angel’ investor has been a precursor to the geographic relocation of the relevant business - so as to have its main seat of operations within mainland Europe.  The investment achieved a particularly welcome milestone for our client, since the investment valued its enterprise value at a seven figure sum / (GBP £X, 000, 000) valuation.

Equitable Law has advised Entrepreneur Handbook since its earliest seed (‘A’) round development capital investment in 2013 (achieved shortly after its formation), and is delighted to have assisted the creation of such value in a relatively short period of time.

Mr David Friel, Founder and Managing Director of Entrepreneur Handbook commented:

"We wish to thank Dan Johnson for his continuing support to our business, which we have found invaluable in our development so far.  We look forward to working further with Dan to develop and expand our business into the new geographic market sectors which we are currently addressing".

Investment #2 – Elephant Food ( )

Equitable law was also pleased to legally advise and assist its client, Goal Brands, with a six figure  (GBP £X00, 000) development capital seed (‘A’) round investment, which sums are earmarked for the development of our client’s  ‘Elephant Food’ superfoods snack products business.  The investor, representing established interests in the food ingredients sector, has expressed itself eager to be involved with the significant early-stage traction gained by ‘Elephant Food’ – whose products are now available in Holland & Barret (amongst other great retailers).

Mr Paul McHenry, Founder and Managing Director of Goal Brands commented:

"We are extremely grateful to Equitable Law for its considerable assistance with ensuring that Goal Brands was investment ready, so as to be able to accept our chosen investor’s financial commitment to the success of the business.  In particular, we wish to thank Dan Johnson for his highly practical approach to structuring our investment documentation, in a manner which should allow us a highly tax efficient trading position over years to come."

Should you wish to discuss any of the aspects of the above transactions (within the bounds of our obligations of confidentiality), please do not hesitate to contact us so as to do so.

Principal & Business Lawyer (English Solicitor)
U.K. Cell. +44 (0) 7788 537 187 +> ‘FaceTime’
e-Tel. +1 (646) 470 1880   |  e-Fax. +44 (0) 871 264 9515

Monday, 23 March 2015

Please go and talk to the other guy . . .

 . . . and stop wasting my time.  Many thanks!  Regards, @DanRJohnson

O.K. - So I habitually use this graphic as a 'sanity control' (!) - but why do people seek to maintain that access to skilled, experienced, expert legal advice and assistance should be free?   

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Equitable Law Advises and Assists with the English Law Aspects of the Sale of a Drug Product

Equitable Law is pleased to announce (within the restrictions of confidentiality to which we are subject) that we have recently provided legal advice and assistance in relation to English Law aspects which were relevant to the sale and purchase of an early-stage drug product.

The product has historically been developed (and is currently owned) by an unidentified publicly traded company based in an English speaking common law jurisdiction, and a conditional disposal has now been agreed with another public company in a separate English speaking common law jurisdiction.

The aggregate consideration for the transaction was a local currency equivalent of a significant eight figure United States Dollar amount (USD $ XX,000,000).

Considerable English law (and practical business) elements arose in relation to the transaction, because the relevant product has historically been developed through an English limited liability company - which (latterly) has exploited the United Kingdom's ‘patent box legislation’ – which potentially creates a significantly advantageous tax position for the future development and exploitation of intellectual property which is subject to the United Kingdom’s taxation system.

The relevant conditionally agreed sale is now awaiting approvals from various regulatory bodies on a worldwide basis, and further details may be announced once the specific details of this transaction becomes publicly announced.
Friday, 20th March 2015
For further details (within restrictions of confidentiality)
Please contact:

+1 (646) 470 1880 (Worldwide Roaming e-Tel.)

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Selecting Your Legal Advisor When Selling Your Business

The following article was written by Equitable Law's principal (Mr. Dan Johnson) for Evolution Capital and published in its February 2015 email newsletter - 'The Evolutionist'

Legal Article – ‘The Evolutionist’

The Thoughts Of A Poacher Turned (Occasional) Gamekeeper
Dan Johnson – Legal Advisor – Evolution Capital

So a decision has been made that you wish to sell your business, and discussions have commenced regarding the process.  At some point you will need to think about what will be necessary in terms of legal advice and assistance.

The following reflects my musings (as a lawyer active in this area of business, for in excess of twenty years) as to how I would recommend you approach the process.

Number One – Don't Leave The Selection Of Your Lawyer Until The Last Minute

There is a natural tendency to consider that lawyers are expensive, and the longer you can put off involving them, the cheaper it will be.   You have to balance that approach with ensuring that you don't disadvantage yourself by placing the lawyer you belatedly instruct in a rushed position, and with limited background information. 

After all, military chiefs rarely raise their fighting forces the day before their battles – and if they did, they should hardly be surprised if those forces performed in an unsatisfactory manner.

The huge advantage which Evolution Capital has brought to the market is that (as a closely integrated part of its services), it offers a highly relevant legal advice and assistance service to its clients from the start of the process, operating in close liaison with the rest of its services.   These services need not be hugely time consuming - nor expensive, but it allows for early legal input designed to ensure that your proposed transaction proceeds in a smooth manner, which stands the best chance of success. 

The last position in which you wish to find yourself is to have progressed through agreeing outline heads of terms, to then belatedly present them to your chosen lawyer who recognises that there are potential significant legal issues with the deal being proposed, or finds that you have agreed in principle to a significant weakening of your legal position (often without fully realising what it is that you have conceded).

Number Two – Don't Buy Solely On Price

Despite what many may believe, the legal market in the United Kingdom is extremely competitive, and by bargaining hard with multiple service providers you may well be able to get a very competitive fee estimate for the legal advice and assistance which is likely to be involved in selling your business. 

However, what you should seek to avoid is experiencing the position which seems to have arisen in the U.K.'s property conveyancing market, where clients tend to buy their conveyancing services based largely upon the lowest price which they are able to obtain from enquiring of a range of legal services providers.  The highly competitive nature of that market leads to the widely perceived dissatisfaction with the legal process involved in conveyancing, as many lawyers simply do not have the time to adequately deal with the necessary work - for the fees they have agreed.  Conveyancing customers should not be surprised if having payed budget prices they get a budget service – and the same may well apply to you if you also take that approach. 

Remember that when you come to sell your business, you are likely to be dealing with a significant proportion of your wealth, pursuant to an agreement which is likely to oblige you to face the risk of potentially repaying some, or the entire purchase price to the buyer after the transaction.  Surely, that makes it worth focussing upon instructing someone who can really help with the process in a highly competent fashion (without price being paramount).

However, you should clearly ascertain how much a process might cost, and you should aim to mitigate costs for an abortive transaction – but a fair price for good quality work should be your aim.  Evolution Capital aims for its integrated legal services to be competitive and clearly priced (while providing full quality).    

Number Three – Don't Necessarily Choose Your Habitual Advisor

Lawyers and how they practice law is similar to how doctors practice medicine, in that while all doctors have a common training on the core elements which underlies their profession, relatively soon into their professional life, they tend to focus upon areas of medicine in which they have started to gather experience (and hopefully expertise). 

In exactly the same way that you would not expect to receive expert advice upon a heart problem from a cancer specialist, going to a legal adviser who has recently helped you with (say) an employment law claim against your business (however adequately) – is not necessarily going to be appropriate in terms of obtaining assistance with the legal aspects of the sale of your business. 

I know that certain of my colleagues have views as to the frustrations of dealing with lawyers selected to undertake a business sale, when the business owner has selected them by virtue of the fact that those lawyers have advised the business owner in relation to all his personal asset and family matters over many years (or they know them from the golf club etc.).

I will choose to say nothing more, other than to say – do choose a lawyer with the necessary experience and expertise in what is involved in a business sale process – It’s in your best interests! 

Evolution Capital would be delighted to assist by offering its relevant integrated legal services.    

Number Four - Don't Blindly Choose A ‘Top’ Firm

Every commercial centre in the U.K. has a list of ‘top’ firms in their locale.  However, when you review that list, what you are considering are the largest firms, or (viewed from another perspective), the firms which have been the most successful in extracting more fees from more clients. 

Despite all their marketing efforts to persuade you as to their merits, large firms do not necessarily provide a great legal service to all of their clients across all aspects of legal advice – and they are certainly not likely to be considered inexpensive. 

If you want an analogy, some of you may have experience of having a luxury car brand model serviced.  That experience may be of it being extremely costly, with the nagging reflection that you’ve just paid a large sum for a lot of relatively inexperienced (but well paid) people, to blindly follow a computer–diagnostic machine’s advice.   Conversely, you may have discovered much more satisfaction from economic servicing from an experienced mechanic who really understands what is likely to be the issue with the car (as explained to him).

‘Top’ firms know the market and their business very well, from persuasive marketing through to ensuring work is done by relatively inexperienced staff at relatively high fee rates!  While it might be cynical to say that ‘the marble and the mahogany’ is for the benefit of the lawyers, if it is your money that is being spent - think hard about whether you feel you are going to receive a great service at an economic price from such service providers. 

You may have a deep psychological need to consider yourself a client of a ‘top’ firm (I’ve seen it recently), but we can recommend appropriate professionals for you if that is the case!  

Evolution Capital aims to be able to provide you with ‘top’ legal advice, but without the ‘top’ firm costings.

Number Five – Do Choose A Personal Recommendation

If at all possible, I would strongly encourage you to seek a personal recommendation (from a person you trust) as to an appropriate person to provide the necessary legal services for you. 

My view is that legal services are and should be chosen by reference to the individuals likely to be involved – both in the transaction itself, and who are going to be available afterwards. 

I am always surprised to find myself talking to contacts who say that they have recently been dealing with such-and-such a firm - but when I ask who they have been dealing with, they are unable to provide me a name!  I often question whether they have been delegated to such a junior lawyer, that they are embarrassed to tell me – but the reality is that the process has become so impersonal – that the contact did not care which individual was undertaking their work!  I am generally (in such situations) advising clients as to what it is they have agreed to – which is a position I would encourage you to avoid!      

Several years ago a businessman said to me that over the course of their career, they had been obliged to use various legal services providers, some of whom were boutique firms - who had but a small cadre of individuals involved, and some of whom were large firms - with many times that number of personnel.  It was that businessman’s perception that within the respective numbers of personnel in each business, there were about the same proportion of individuals who that businessman would welcome working with again (because they were good at what they did and the businessman liked working with them etc.) - and those who failed that test on one or more grounds.  However, the businessman remarked - within the smaller business he tended to know the identities of the individuals who fell into each respective class.  In the larger business, it was more of a ‘lucky dip’ (even for those inside the larger business)!

Evolution Capital's huge advantage is that it already offers a personal recommendation for legal advice ‘in house’, based upon its prior experience of working with its chosen lawyers.


I hope the above has assisted you think about some aspects of how you might select your legal adviser for your future transactions. 

I would be delighted to continue any conversations with regard to my thoughts on these issues. 

In my next article, I intend to muse upon some of the alternative approaches to undertaking a legal transaction that would involve a potential sale of your business.

Monday, 20th October 2014

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