Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Equitable Law - Diversity Data

In accordance with this business' professional obligations (pursuant to the requirements of the Solicitors Regulation Authority), we publish this business' diversity data below :-  

QuestionResponseSolicitor (partner/director)
1. Select the category which best describes your role in the firm1
2. How would you describe your role in the firm?Sole practitioner, partner, member or director of the firm1
Associate or Assistant0
Other employee or staff member0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
3. Do you have a share in the ownership of your organisation (eg equity partner, shareholder)?Yes1
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
4. Do you have responsibility for supervising or managing the work of lawyers or other employees?Yes1
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
5. From the list of age bands below, please indicate the category that includes your current age in years:16 - 240
25 - 340
35 - 440
45 - 541
55 - 640
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
6. What is your gender?Female0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
7(a) Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the definition in the Equality Act?Yes0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
7(b) Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?Yes, limited a lot0
Yes, limited a little0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
8. What is your ethnic group?Bangladeshi0
Any other Asian background0
Caribbean 0
Any other Black background0
White and Asian0
White and Black African0
White and Black Caribbean0
White and Chinese0
Any other Mixed / multiple ethnic background0
British / English / Welsh / Northern Irish / Scottish1
Gypsy or Irish Traveller0
Any other White background0
Any other ethnic group0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
9. What is your religion or belief?No religion or belief / Atheist1
Any other religion0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
10. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual0
Gay man0
Gay woman/lesbian0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
11. Did you mainly attend a state or fee paying school between the ages 11 - 18?UK State School1
UK Independent/Fee-paying School0
Attended school outside the UK0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
12. If you went to University (to study a BA, BSc course or higher), were you part of the first generation of your family to do so?Yes0
Did not attend University0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
13. Are you a primary carer for a child or children under 18?Yes0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
14. Do you look after, or give any help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others?No0
Yes, 1 - 19 hours a week1
Yes, 20 - 49 hours a week0
Yes, 50 or more hours a week0
Prefer not to say0
Invalid response0
Number of non-respondents: 0

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Equitable Law Advises Regarding The Establishment Of A New Islington Based Kitchen Business

Equitable Law is delighted to announce the opening in Islington, London of our client's new kitchen design, supply & fitting business - 'Mobalpa Islington'.

Mobalpa is one of Europe's leading kitchen manufacturers with over 100 years of craftsmanship having brought satisfaction to more than a million customers with fully customised kitchens.

Mobalpa Kitchens are renowned for the design, manufacture and distribution of kitchens, bathrooms and living solutions having been established since 1907.

With over 580 outlets worldwide and producing more than 55,000 kitchens per year, Mobalpa hhas recently decided to 'roll out' its business concept in the UK.

Mr Dan Johnson of Equitable Law commented : "It has been a pleasure to assist Mr. Edmund Thai and Miss Yee Yau with their plans for a Mobalpa franchise, and this business wishes them every success".

Mr Edmund Thai commented : "Our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Dan Johnson for his legal advice and assistance with regard to the commercial agreements relating to this franchise (and to his associated colleagues - regarding the business premises property arrangements).  We fully recognise that dealing with experienced and expert legal advisers avoids complications and complexity - allowing us to run a successful business with the minimum of effort and expense".  

Further details re: Mobalpa Islington are available at :-

Further details re: Equitable Law are available at :-