Having spent some considerable time over recent weeks seeking to assist businessmen with the 'issues' which have arisen - when they (thought they had) 'agreed' a large loan arrangement on the back of an old menu in a restaurant - I wanted to put on record that settling and documenting proposed loan arrangements (ideally - before they are entered into) is always a worthwhile step - if only to save a long term friendship from considerable strain!
The 'trick' to reasonably rapidly settling the terms of a loan arrangement and / or documenting the same (in a manner which is 'usable' in the future) - is to use a sensible template loan docment which is a compromise between conciseness and completeness.
I frequently settle & document loan arrangements in a wide range of amounts & formalities - and can relatively rapidly adapt my (see my front-piece extract - below) template document to client's arrangements.
Please feel free to contact me directly to discuss any aspects / issues where a conversation might assist you.
(+44 ) 7788 537 187 (U.K. Cell. Tel.)